Mikey's Moving and Storage Blog
About Me
Mikey's Moving and Storage Blog

Hello! My name is Mikey and this is my moving and storage blog. I was inspired to start this blog following a move I made from Perth to Melbourne. I had lived in Perth for the past 7 years so I had acquired a lot of stuff. I was dreading the move because I didn't know how I would transport all of my stuff to my new home. Thankfully, a chum of mine recommended a fantastic moving and storage company. The moving contractors helped me to organise and move my things. I really couldn't have done it without them so I decided to start a new blog detailing my experience.


Mikey's Moving and Storage Blog

Two tips that cat owners should keep in mind when moving house

Miguel Mitchell

If you own a cat and need to move house, here are some of the tips that you might want to bear in mind.

Do not leave your unused moving boxes open in areas that your cat can access.

It is best to avoid leaving your cat alone in the areas of your home where you are stowing the moving boxes that you have not yet filled up. The reason for this is cats can find the upheaval that comes with their owners preparing for a house move to be stressful.

This increase in their stress levels can lead to them not using their litter tray when they need to urinate but instead doing this elsewhere. As such, there is a chance that they could climb into one of these empty boxes whilst you are not looking and urinate on the cardboard.

If this happens and you don't notice the mess and discard the box, you could end up packing your clothing or books into this container and only realising what has happened when you unpack the box in the new house and smell the odour on your items. This could then lead to you having to do laundry for several hours, or having to handwash the covers of all of your books on your first night in the new property, instead of trying to unpack and organise the house.

Visit the new property and set up your cat's litter tray and bed before you start transporting items.

If possible, you should go to the new property and set up a new litter tray and a bed for your cat, before you start moving your boxes from the old house to the new one. Ideally, you should pick a spot in the property that will be somewhat far away from the commotion that will be caused by you moving your things into the house. The reasons for this are as follows; firstly, having a quiet, calm place to sleep and to use their litter tray will ease the distress your cat will feel after being taken from their current home to the new one.

Secondly, if after arriving at the new place, your stressed-out cat does not have immediate and easy access to a safe, comfortable bed or a litter tray, there is a very good chance that they will answer the call of nature somewhere else in the house. This may then result in you having to clean up and sanitise the areas where your cat had their 'accidents', whilst also trying to unpack and unwind after a challenging and chaotic day.
